Tuesday, April 28, 2020

How Meditation Helps You Grow Up ( a Giveaway!) - When I Grow Up

How Meditation Helps You Grow Up ( a Giveaway!) - When I Grow Up Um, you guys? With my word of 2013 being Space and hearing ad nauseum (in a good way) about the benefits of meditation, Ive been meaning to start a practice. But, um, you guys? It sooooo hasnt happened. Which is why I was thrilled when I saw my friend Kate Swoboda leading a 30 Days of Meditation  course this March, and I signed up the first second I saw it. Now Im extra thrilled, because Kates here addin to the ad nauseum (in a good way) and giving away a spot in the ecourse. Read on! Meditation Print by Little Ladybug When it comes to careers, the job market, or the economy, these are times that could easily be described asoverwhelming. When we feel overwhelmed, that’s something beyond sadness or anger. Sadness is the venting of grief, and anger is the venting of frustration, and overwhelm takes those two and adds on a murky layer of “confused.” It’s hard to think straight. It’s hard to get clear on what you really want. It’s hard to feel like yourself (if you even knew who that was, to begin with). So here I am, just some life coach who’s going to start talking about meditation. Yeah, yeah, yeah But wait! I’m not going to promise that meditation can solve all of your problems (it won’t). I’m not going to promise that meditation will tell you what you should be when you grow up (entirely possible, but no guarantees). What I’m going to tell you is that a regular meditation practice leads you on the journey of a lifetime, the journey of intimately knowing who you are. Internal and External It’s time taken away from the overwhelm of the external world, dialing down, so that you can see that all that external stuff is just a reflection of the internal. Whatever overwhelms you out there is not actually the issue. The issue is that something within you is so triggered by what’s out there. The real work is looking at the entire belief system that sets up overwhelmand it’s really, really tough to look at that belief system when there’s no practice in place for slowing the thoughts down enough to be able to examine them. In this way, meditation is really practical and pragmaticit’s a useful tool, and it’s one that anyone can do. In fact, if you think about itmeditation helps us to “grow up” by facing our problems and getting to know who we truly are. Me, Too? Yes, you. You can do this. Even if you’ve tried meditation before and thought it was impossible, you can do this. That’s the entire premise behind my upcoming course, 30 Days of Meditation. When I first tried formal sitting meditation, I thought I was going to crawl out of my skin. I couldn’t sit still. “Focus on the breath”were they kidding? I found my way to meditation by using presence practices that built a bridge to my current sitting practice. In 30 Days of Meditation, I show you what those practices are. This is about finding the style of meditation that resonates for you, in small, 5 to 15-minute increments of time. The Giveaway 30 Days of Meditation starts March 4th, and Michelle and I have collaborated to offer a giveaway to one of her readers. We’ll be randomly choosing one winner to get the entire course for free. That’s: The 30 Days of Meditation course, complete with downloadable audio meditations. You’ll learn more than 20 different styles of meditation. Access to the inaugural 30 Days of Meditation online community. The 30 Days of Meditation companion e-book. 2 Bonus “prep” practices to get you set up. All you have to do is leave a comment  on how you feel meditation would help you with your creative career. Well close the comments at 12p Eastern on Wed 2/13 and will pick a winner via random.org shortly thereafter. Note: Even if you’ve already signed up for 30 Days of Meditation, you can enterif your name is chosen, I’ll happily credit your account. UPDATE: Hooray hooray, we have a winner Lorinda Fraser! Kate will be emailing you soon with all the details. Thank you everyone for your great comments! Kate Courageous is a life coach, writer and speaker who teaches people why “integrity is sexy” and how the practice of courage is revolutionary. Since 2009, thousands of people have visited http://www.YourCourageousLife.com to learn more about working with fear in revolutionary ways through the practice of courageâ€"with the core message being that when you’re trying to eradicate fear or pretend that it doesn’t exist, you’re working against yourself. Her approach is a sexy-soulful combination of intuitive spirituality with brass-tacks, pragmatic wisdom. She defines courage as feeling afraid, diving in anyway, and transforming. Photo credit: In Her Image Photography

Sunday, April 19, 2020

How to Put TC Reading and Writing on a Resume

How to Put TC Reading and Writing on a ResumeThere are two ways you can apply how to put TC reading and writing on a resume. One is the traditional method of just copying what you saw from the previous employer, and the other is how to apply for a job on the internet.In the first method, you will want to copy what you see on a job posting in your entire writer's portfolio. In this way, you won't forget what exactly the application says, and you won't worry about whether or not you read everything because you are not. The second method is what I would call a 'dating' method.This is because you want to appear more professional than your profile. You want to make sure you are doing this when you are applying for a part time position or when you are applying for a full time position. You don't want to look so desperate that you would pass up a job just because you applied for it, so you want to use the second method.The method you use depends on which option you want to use to put how to put TC reading and writing on a resume to, but whichever you choose, you want to be professional. When you apply for a job, you want to have some confidence. You want to be the top candidate for the job. You want to get your foot in the door with some polish.The first thing you want to do is write an explanation of why you want to put TC reading and writing on a resume. Why do you want to come to work each day? Why do you want to write this resume?The next thing you want to do is prepare a sentence or two for why you are qualified for the job. What makes you qualified? What does it take to become the best employee? How can you be the best employee you can be?The third thing you want to do is state the basics of how you plan to build a resume and where you want to put it on your resume. Finally, you want to make sure your resume includes the most important information.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Resume Writing How Present Relevant Experience from 20 Years Ago ? Tips

Resume Writing How Present Relevant Experience from 20 Years Ago ? Tips Instead, focus on what you need to offer you. Your skills have to be rejuvenated, too. Resume skills and abilities play a considerable part in boosting the standard of your resume. You'll also wish to highlight any extra abilities or duties you acquired with every position change. Choosing Good Resume Writing How Present Relevant Experience from 20 Years Ago ? Repeat the very first step for each extra job you've held. You wouldn't, for instance, want to CAPITALIZE, ITALICIZE, AND UNDERLINE parts of text. Keep this in mind while you copy the examples above. The Rise of Resume Writing How Present Relevant Experience from 20 Years Ago ? Another important situation to exclude is a career or job objective at the beginning of the resume. When you are searching for a new job, the typical procedure for filling out an on-line application or dropping off a resume isn't always enough. The Chronicles of Resume Writing How Present Relevant Experience from 20 Years Ago ? For instance, remember to include keywords from the work description in your resume. All you have to know to earn a stunning resume job description. Your description needs to be concise. When reading the work description included in the ad, search for keywords associated with your responsibilities. The work experience part of your resumethe part in which you describe your previous jobsis the most important element of your whole job application. You may add a section for extra experience after. So once you write you will give a reference you seem to not understand the way the game is played. The Basic Principles of Resume Writing How Present Relevant Experience from 20 Years Ago ? That You Can Benefit From Starting Today Also, in case you have at least 10 decades of experience, concentrate on highlighting the latest relevant experience. Maybe that experience taught you how you can manage someone else's lifeso you 're able to showcase why you'd be a terrific assistant or standard manager. It's important to keep in mind that experience isn't confined to paid jobs. Despite the fact that unpaid, it's the experience that counts! When describing your work experience in another section, ensure it remains relevant and support it together with numbers and appropriate career accomplishments. If you held a job for just a month or two, it may be better simply to list everything in conditions of years, and not include months. The same is true for dates of tenure.